Karma Lessons

West Meets East

Compelling Evidence Apart from the religious and philosophical reflections about reincarnation, there is growing body of research on the subject. For some of the most prominent voices in the field, the evidence surfaced unexpectedly, forcing them to change their perspective about life and death. Twentieth-century American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, known as the Sleeping Prophet, was […]

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Cycles of Karma

A dramatic example of how the threads of karma and opportunity are woven through lifetimes comes out of the pages of English history. This is a story of principle versus ambition. It is also a lesson of how karma gives us a second chance. In 1155, when Thomas Becket was just thirty-six, Henry II appointed […]

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Karmic Traps

Karma Isn’t Fate Whatever you are or are not, you earned it— the good, the bad and the irksome.This is the nature of karma. Whatever you are or are not, you can change it. This too is the nature of karma. That’s because karma isn’t fate. Karma can help us understand how we got where we […]

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Karmic Transformations

Opening the Channels To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it. —CONFUCIUS Forgiveness is always the beginning of the spiritual path, yet it is not necessarily easy, especially when grave crimes have been committed against body, mind or soul. What makes forgiveness even harder is that many of us have been erroneously […]

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The Interplay of Karma and Psychology

How do we know when a situation in our life has a particularly karmic flavor to it? Lucile Yaney, a psychotherapist who believes in reincarnation, says one clue is a pattern of emotional overreaction, including unexplained fears or phobias. “A person may be responding to past situations from this life or other lifetimes when he […]

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The Starry Map of our Karma

But astrology, like karma, is not predestination. Astrology paints a picture of potentials based on the karmic material drawn from our many appearances on the stage of life. Our astrology and our karma are only part of the drama. At center stage is our free will. Man, said Sri Yukteswar, “can overcome any limitation, because […]

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Spiritual Alchemy

Where there is fire, there is evidence of progressive perfection. —HELENA ROERICH The masters of the ancient Oriental art of Feng Shui teach that clutter in our physical environment inhibits the flow of energy, or ch’i, in our surroundings. They say that the flow of energy (or lack of it) powerfully affects our health, our […]

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A Sacred Fire

We can get in touch with the gentle power of the violet flame through prayer, meditation and affirmation. Those who have accessed the violet flame in their prayers and meditations have found that it helps them move safely through the sometimes painful records of the past. One woman wrote to me and said, “For years […]

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