Karma Lessons


The phoenix is far more than a symbol of rebirth. It also represents self-transcendence and self-transformation.

The fire that at once consumes and rejuvenates the phoenix is the same fire that purifies us for a better resurrection, so to speak.

The German philosopher Hegel captured the true nature of the phoenix when he wrote, “Spirit—consuming the envelope of its existence—does not merely pass into another envelope, nor rise rejuvenescent from the ashes of its previous form; it comes forth exalted, glorified, a purer spirit…. It exalts itself to a new grade.”

The phoenix is you, every day, meeting the trial by fire of your returning karma with the fire of your heart and the sacred fire of the violet flame.

It is you going through the process of growth and refinement, continually surpassing your former self.

The apostle Paul described it another way when he said, “I die daily.”

When we are dedicated to spiritual growth, some part of our lesser self can “die daily,” clearing the way for more of our Higher Self to come to the fore and express itself.


A Sacred Fire

We can get in touch with the gentle power of the violet flame through prayer, meditation and affirmation.

Those who have accessed the violet flame in their prayers and meditations have found that it helps them move safely through the sometimes painful records of the past.

One woman wrote to me and said, “For years I had consulted with psychologists. They had helped me to see causes, but how could I  change?”

She started working with violet-flame prayers every day and said that the violet flame penetrated and dissolved core resentment. “Through the violet flame,” she said, “I emerged healthy, vigorous and grateful.”

If you are aware of a particular issue, such as anxiety that doesn’t seem to have roots in this life, you can ask God or your Higher Self to direct the violet flame into the roots of that anxiety in your previous embodiments and to restore that energy to its pure state.

You can use the alchemy of the violet flame to clear the subconscious, which often accepts the intimidation and judgment of peers and authority figures.

The violet flame can help resolve these patterns of consciousness and free us to be more of our real self.

I’ve seen thousands of people work successfully with the violet flame. It takes a different amount of time—anywhere from a day to several months—for each person to see results, depending on the intensity of the issue, event or pattern you are dealing with. But if you remain constant, you will begin to feel the difference.

When we use the violet flame consistently, memories from this life or past lives may come to the fore. This is because the Holy Spirit is going into our subconscious to consume the cause, effect and memory of that record. When this happens, it’s best not to get emotionally involved or to block it. Just let it pass into the light.

When God brings to our attention a record of our childhood or a past life, it’s a reminder that there is work to be done. He doesn’t reveal it to us for entertainment but so that we can pass the light through it and move beyond it.

Someone who had been working with violet flame affirmations for some time wrote and told me that it helped her become aware of a key past life. She said, “One morning as I woke up, I had a distinct feeling that something was different. I didn’t know what, but things just felt different. As I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, I felt I even looked different. There was not necessarily a physical difference but perhaps a difference in my aura. Something was definitely changed.

“I thought to myself, ‘What is different? Why do I feel this way?’ Then a thought came to me, like a still small voice: ‘Yes, I am different, and it is because I have started to transmute the karma from another life.’

“As the morning went on and I was sitting at my desk, suddenly a scene of a past life flashed before my eyes. It was a picture of me, a little different, but definitely me.

I was aware of my feelings, my state of consciousness, my life at that time. It was a life on Atlantis and, as in this life,  I was a woman.

I had a high position in the government as a minister or official of some kind with a lot of power. I realized that I liked having power over people and using that power for my own ends. I had a huge ego.

“I had seen a part of myself face-to-face. It was not something I was aware of before. I am grateful that it was shown to me and I am grateful for the opportunity to work through this with the fire of God and the violet flame.

I didn’t even have to be hypnotically regressed. God showed it to me in his time, when I was ready and able to see it for what it was and when I could give the prayers to change it.”

After this woman became aware of this past life, she began to give violet flame prayers and meditations to balance the karma she had made in that embodiment and to dissolve any remaining threads of egotism within her that would hold her back in this life.

A New Spiritual Age

We are entering a new age, which affords us creative ways of balancing personal and planetary karma, and the violet flame is one of them.

The violet flame gives us the maximum opportunity to take advantage of the cycles of life and the cycles of karma.

As we do our spiritual work and engage in the practical hands-on service that is required to balance our karma, we realize that every day is a tremendous opportunity to transcend our past and transform our tomorrows.

Prayers and Affirmations

More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of.

Wherefore, let thy voice rise like a fountain.


We invite you to experiment with any or all the prayers and affirmations listed in the exercises to enhance your own spiritual practice and path of karmic transformation.

You can give them aloud every  day and especially when you feel a burden or heaviness.

I always encourage those who are new to the violet flame to begin their experiment in the laboratory of being by giving violet flame prayers and affirmations fifteen minutes a day for at least a month.

You can give these affirmations during your morning prayer ritual, while you’re in the shower or getting ready for the day, or even as you travel to work, do your errands or exercise.

Since our karma for the day arrives each morning seeking resolution, many like to give violet flame prayers and affirmations before their day begins.

The following affirmations use the name of God “I AM” to access spiritual power.

“I AM” is short for “I AM THAT I AM,” the name of God revealed to Moses when he saw the burning bush. “I AM THAT I AM” means “As above, so below. As God is in heaven, so God is on earth within me. Right where I stand, the power of God is.” Thus every time you say, “I AM. . . ,” you  are really affirming God in me is. . . .”

As you experiment with these techniques, keep in mind two key principles.

First, these affirmations are intended to be given aloud. Ancient spiritual traditions as well as modern scientific studies have shown how powerful sound is in creating change, even healing.

Secondly, we can enhance the power of our prayers when we specifically name and visualize what we want to take place.

That’s because whatever we put our attention on, we are plugging into and charging with energy.

The image we hold in our mind’s eye is like a blueprint, and our attention is the magnet that attracts the creative energies of Spirit to fill it in.


Set up your angels altar

The Violet Flame Mantra

An easy affirmation to start with is “I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!” It is meant to be repeated over and over as a mantra that sings in your heart. The more you give it, the stronger the action of transmutation you are building. You can recite any of the affirmations on the following bellow once, three times or as many times as you want until you feel your heart responding to the healing power of love that comes through the violet flame.

I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity God desires.
My heart is alive with violet fire,
My heart is the purity God desires!
My family is enfolded in violet fire,
My family is the purity God desires!

*You can create your own variations of the mantra wherever you perceive the need for a higher resolution in any situation, as shown in the two examples for families below this mantra.

Set up your angels altar

An Affirmation for Forgiveness

Before giving the following affirmations, you can offer this prayer or your own personal prayer aloud. This is an example of invocation, a powerful summoning of God’s energy always used according to the holy will of God to bless yourself and all humanity.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM and my Higher Self, my inner Christ and my inner Buddha, I call on the law of forgiveness for all that I have ever done in any of my life times that has hurt any part of life—anything that was not kind, loving, respectful or honorable, especially I call forth the violet transmuting flame on behalf of all those whom I have ever wronged and all those who have ever wronged me. I ask for a flow of light and love from my Higher Self and my heart to bless all life with whom I have karma. O God, liberate them, liberate me, and let us stand free, one in heart and soul.

Let the violet flame heal my inner pain and transmute the cause, effect, record and memory of all burdens I have ever imposed upon life or that have ever been imposed upon me, back to my first incarnation. I surrender them into the light.

Let this sacred fire purify and rejuvenate my heart, mind, body and soul. Let it restore them to the harmony and perfection of my divine blueprint so that I may joyfully fulfill my soul’s true potential. I accept this done in full power, according to God’s will.


Set up your angels altar

Transmute the Energy of the Problem

The following is a simple and beautiful decree that you can practice giving aloud and feeling the energy of your problems changing for the better. Try giving this decree for fifteen minutes a day. You can write in your journal and observe what change happens in your life.

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I AM the Violet Flame

I AM the violet flame
in action in me now
I AM the violet flame
To light alone I bow
I AM the violet flame
In mighty cosmic power
I AM the light of God
Shining every hour
 I AM the violet flame
Blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power Freeing everyone.

Help people understand the great impact of karma in their daily lives!