Karma Lessons


The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n.


We can also make karma and balance it by the way we use our mind. We make good karma when we use our thoughts and our knowledge to help, uplift and teach others.

We misuse the potential of our mind when we criticize or control rather than uphold, when we are narrow-minded or prejudiced instead of tolerant, when we compete with our knowledge rather than share it.

Our mind can be the conduit for the consciousness of our Higher Self or for the pride of the ego. In either case, our thoughts are a powerful force.

“We are what we think,” said Gautama Buddha, “having become what we thought.”

We can balance karma at the level of the mind when we hold in mind the highest image, the “immaculate concept,” of ourselves and others.

Holding in mind the immaculate concept means that we don’t jump to conclusions before we know the facts.

Rather than holding fixed mental matrices of others, we allow them to transcend what they were decades ago, weeks ago or even an hour ago.

Our thoughts are so powerful that when we consistently hold in mind the highest vision of good for ourselves and others, we can literally create what we are seeing in our mind’s eye.

A change in heart (and mind) by author Peter Benchley is an interesting example of how we might balance the karma we make in the realm of the mind.

Almost twenty-five years ago, Benchley’s novel Jaws, which spent more than forty weeks on the New York Times best-sellers list, was made into the hit movie. That savage image of the great white shark has been seared into the consciousness of millions. Now Benchley is offering another viewpoint.

In a National Geographic article, he wrote, “Considering the knowledge accumulated about great whites in the past 25 years, I couldn’t possibly write Jaws today. . . not in good conscience anyway.”

He points out that while we once thought that the great white sharks ruthlessly hunted down humans, we now know they only kill and eat when they mistake a human for their normal prey.

We used to think they attacked boats, but we now know that when they approach a boat they are just investigating. True, these sharks can slash and kill when provoked, but we now know that they are also fragile and vulnerable.

Benchley says that these awesome animals “are not only not villains, they are victims in danger of—if not extinction quite yet—serious, perhaps even catastrophic, decline.”

Perhaps Benchley is balancing some karma with the great whites by now portraying them in a different light. How can we learn from this? We have all influenced how others think. And if we have influenced them negatively, we can balance that karma by correcting wrong, misleading or incomplete information we have spread—whether to one person or to thousands.



Spiritual Alchemy

Where there is fire, there is evidence of progressive perfection.


The masters of the ancient Oriental art of Feng Shui teach that clutter in our physical environment inhibits the flow of energy, or ch’i, in our surroundings.

They say that the flow of energy (or lack of it) powerfully affects our health, our finances, our relationships—the very course of our life.

In exactly the same way, “karmic clutter” can create blockages in the flow of energy at subtle, energetic levels within us.

These blockages of accumulated unresolved karma affect our physical and emotional well-being, our spiritual progress, even the kinds of events and people that move in and out of our life.

When energy flows freely, we feel peaceful, healthy and creative. When it is blocked, we don’t feel as light, vibrant and spiritual as we could.

Just as we wash off the dirt and grime we pick up every day, so we can have a daily ritual of purifying to free ourselves of karmic debris.

Each spiritual tradition has its particular practices for purification. Many of these are sacred formulas of prayer and meditation that call forth the light of the Holy Spirit to purify the heart.

The Light of the Holy Spirit – The Violet Transmuting Flame

In some traditions, this powerfully transforming energy of the Holy Spirit has been seen as a violet light, known as the violet flame.

Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays, or flames.

When we call forth these spiritual flames in our prayers and meditations, each flame creates a specific action in our body, mind and soul.

The violet flame is the color and frequency of spiritual light that stimulates mercy, forgiveness and transmutation.

To “transmute” is to change something into a higher form. This term was used centuries ago by alchemists who attempted, on a physical level, to transmute base metals into gold—and, on a spiritual level, to achieve self-transformation and ultimately eternal life.

Spiritually, that is precisely what the violet flame can do. It is a high-frequency spiritual energy that separates the “gross” elements of our karma from the gold of our true self and transmutes (transforms) it so we can achieve our highest potential.

Healers, alchemists and adepts have used the high-frequency energy of the violet flame to bring about energetic balance and spiritual transformation.

Edgar Cayce, for instance, recognized the healing power of the violet light. In over nine hundred of his readings, he recommended an electrical device—a “violet ray” machine that emits a violet-colored electrical charge—to treat several ailments, including exhaustion, lethargy, poor circulation, digestive problems and nervous disorders.

Author and three-time near-death survivor Dannion Brinkley has seen and experienced the violet flame in his near-death sojourns.

“The violet flame is the purest place of love. It’s what really empowers you,” he says. “The violet flame is a light that serves all spiritual heritages, that gives respect and dignity to all things. It gives us a way to connect with each other…. The greatness of the violet flame is that it doesn’t produce heat; it produces love.”

What makes the violet flame such a powerful tool? In our physical world, violet light has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum.

As Fritjof Capra explains in The Tao of Physics, “violet light has a high frequency and a short wavelength and consists therefore of photons of high energy and high momentum.”

At spiritual levels, that high-frequency energy of the violet flame can consume the debris within and between the atoms of your being. It’s like soaking them in a chemical solution that, layer by layer, dissolves the dirt that has been trapped there for years.

Freed of this dross, the electrons begin to move more freely, thus raising our spiritual vibration and our energy levels.

This action takes place at non-physical, or “metaphysical,” dimensions of matter. As energy is repolarized and transmuted, it becomes part of our storehouse of positive energy.

There is not one of us that doesn’t regret some moment of our life, some action, some unkind word. We wish we could call it back. By working with the violet flame, we can send the flame of the Holy Spirit to deliver the one we have wronged as well as ourselves of the burden.

As the violet flame passes through the emotional, mental and physical layers of our being, it transmutes the cause, effect, record and memory of anything less than perfection and restores that energy back to its natural state of harmony with Spirit.

In essence, the violet flame affords us a path of minimum suffering. When we call forth that light through our prayers, it can help ease the process of resolving karma and trauma.

It can even enable us to balance some of our karmic debts without directly encountering those involved. The violet flame, like the flames that consume the phoenix, is a sacred fire that helps us rise again renewed, refreshed and more whole.




Set up your angels altar

The Gift of the Violet Flame

Here is a powerful “decree” calling forth the energy of the violet flame into your life.

Play Video

Always say these prayers out loud because… Sound Creates and Affects Matter.

See these beautiful images in your mind’s eye as you create both personal and world change with the spiritual energy of the violet flame.

Set up your angels altar

Listen to Your Intuition and the Use of Fiats of Light

As you study the deep spiritual lessons of life, you may be prompted to pray for world issues. Short prayers called ‘fiats’ are a great way to pray. Say these out loud with power to get God’s attention quickly!

You can give these calls in the privacy of your home, in your car or at your altar.

Here are some examples:

“Almighty God, send the violet flame into this hurricane and let God’s will be done!”

“Saint Germain, take command of the cause of war and transmute it with violet flame!”

Listen to your intuition as you pray for a friend or for world events.

Set up your angels altar

A Meditation: Experiencing Your God Presence

This meditation ritual will help you feel your oneness with your Divine Presence. A good time for this is upon rising and before sleep.

Still your breath, mind and emotions. Visualize your body enveloped in a dazzling white light. Feel intensely the connection between the outer self and your God Presence. Focus upon the heart center and visualize it as a golden sun.

Then acknowledge, “I now joyously accept the fullness of my mighty God Presence.”  Feel the great brilliance of the light and intensify it in every cell of your body.

Say this affirmation: “I AM a child of the light – I love the light – I serve the light – I live in the light – I AM protected, illumined, supplied, sustained, by the light, and I bless the light.”

Help people understand the great impact of karma in their daily lives!